Monday, December 6, 2010

suffer in silence

.... unanswered prayer.

fainting in my heart?
You heard me..
why did You not save me.
i was a little girl.
never given a chance at life from the moment
i was conceived.
no purity.
worse than a leper.
yet his disease was only skin deep...
mine ravaged my body
and engulfed my soul.
still i am effected.
still You have not delivered me.
though You promise too?
maybe im wrong.
no unclean thing will enter heaven.
You saved me.
what will you do with me.
i cant stand my flesh.
i cant stand myself.
and i have no more will to live.


  1. Though He slay me, yet will i trust in Him.
    ~ Job

  2. i know this...finally some sence in me..that the Lord has saved me from a more horrible ending than anything i could have ever experienced here on earth at the hands of men. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.
    He had mercy on me. i will not be thrown into hell when i die. but will live forever with Him. in the arms of Love.
    HE sought me out..i was a person who did not seek HIM. He sought me, and He chose me...what love is this?? forgive me Lord. please. wash me and forgive me for letting the evil works of me and memories drown out Your Love for me. thank you for loving me and not treating me as i deserve.
